sarcoma types

Health Alert:

As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

Types of Gynecologic Cancer

The Magee-Womens Gynecologic Cancer Program diagnoses and treats all types of gynecologic cancers, including cancers of the:

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is the only gynecologic cancer that has screening tests. When detected early, treatment is usually successful.

There are usually no symptoms or signs of early cervical cancer. The best ways to detect early stages of cervical cancer are regular pelvic exams and Pap tests.

Some protective measures may reduce your risk of developing cervical cancer.

Preventing cervical cancer

Protective measures may include:

  • HPV vaccine
  • Avoiding or quitting smoking
  • Regular Pap tests

Learn more about cervical cancer diagnosis and treatment on the Magee-Womens Gynecologic Cancer Program website.

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is the most serious of the gynecologic cancers, affecting nearly 25,000 women in the United States each year.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer, particularly in the early stages, often are not acute or intense. When they do appear, the cancer is often in an advanced stage.

Some protective measures may reduce your risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer symptoms

Protective measures may include:

  • Oral contraceptives (the pill)
  • Pregnancy
  • Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy

Learn more about ovarian cancer diagnosis and treatment on the Magee-Womens Gynecologic Cancer Program website.

Uterine Cancer

Uterine (or endometrial) cancer is the most common of the gynecologic cancers, with more than 40,000 new cases per year.

Uterine cancer symptoms

Symptoms and warning signs of uterine cancer may include:

  • Unusual bleeding, spotting, or other discharge from the vagina
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Feeling a mass (tumor)
  • Losing weight without trying

Preventing uterine cancer

Some protective measures may reduce your risk of developing uterine cancer. Protective measures may include:

  • Weight loss
  • Oral contraceptives (the pill)
  • Combination hormone therapies

Learn more about uterine cancer diagnosis and treatment on the Magee-Womens Gynecologic Cancer Program website.

Photo of outside of Magee-Womens Hospital building

Magee-Womens Gynecologic Cancer Program

UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital is a world-class center for both women’s health and comprehensive medical-surgical care. Teams at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and Magee work together to collaboratively treat gynecologic cancer.

Visit the Magee website to learn more.