Gilberto C. – Appendix Cancer Patient Story

In October 2023, Gilberto Caballero, 72, met with his primary care provider after experiencing abdominal pain, nausea, and occasional vomiting. He then went to his local hospital near his home in Union Bridge, MD. There, a CT scan revealed a mass originating from his appendix and several masses spread throughout his abdomen. Gilberto's care team suspected he had stage IV peritoneal carcinomatosis – cancer that has spread throughout his abdominal cavity.
Gilberto’s sister-in-law suggested he research surgical oncologists in Pittsburgh. He found UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, and also saw that UPMC Hillman recently began offering surgical oncology services in Mechanicsburg. Traveling there would require a shorter drive.
Gilberto was specifically looking for a surgeon who could perform cytoreductive surgery/hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion (CRS/HIPEC) – a procedure that combines surgery and chemotherapy – to treat his appendiceal cancer. This advanced surgical procedure and regional perfusion therapy aims to treat late-stage or advanced cancers that have spread throughout the abdomen's inner lining.
He saw that a health system closer to him offered the procedure, but ultimately chose UPMC and was referred to surgical oncologist Samer AlMasri, MD. After sending his imaging results to Dr. AlMasri’s team for review, Gilberto met with Dr. AlMasri, who suggested he undergo CRS/HIPEC at UPMC West Shore in Mechanicsburg.
“I met with him for 45 minutes, where he explained my condition and HIPEC,” says Gilberto. “I was sold on his knowledge. I was very confident that he could do it.”
Specialized Surgical Care
During the CRS procedure, surgeons perform a comprehensive assessment of the abdominal cavity and remove all visible tumors. After CRS, the team performs the HIPEC portion of the procedure to deliver high doses of heated chemotherapy into the abdomen. HIPEC treats small cancer nodules or microscopic cancer cells that CRS leaves behind.
On Dec. 8, Gilberto was the first patient to undergo a CRS/HIPEC at UPMC West Shore. During the eight-hour procedure, Dr. AlMasri, assisted by M. Haroon Asif Choudry, MD, a surgical oncologist at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center in Pittsburgh, successfully removed Gilberto’s tumor. They also needed to remove his spleen.
Gilberto’s girlfriend and two daughters supported him at the hospital and kept in touch with the clinical team throughout the procedure. Gilberto recovered well in the intensive care unit for four days, then stayed another four days in the hospital before being discharged home.
He has since followed up with Dr. AlMasri via telemedicine every six months, along with having follow-up CT scans and blood work. Gilberto remains in remission.
Through it all, Gilberto has been impressed with the professionalism of the team within the UPMC Central PA Surgical Oncology program.
“They enjoy their occupations and do it for good results. They give you confidence,” he describes.
Gilberto says they’ve also given him hope.
“I’m blessed they had an operation to treat my disease and prolong my life,” he says. “They caught it in time. Appendix cancer is rare and I’m a lucky guy.”
Gilberto’s treatment and results may not be representative of other cases.