Health Alert:

As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

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Cancer Treatment Pathways at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center

Cancer is scary. But we have found that one way to counter that fear is with knowledge — patients' own knowledge of the disease, as well as the medical expertise of the care team.

We hope to make it a less frightening experience by letting patients know that doctors have access to the best, most appropriate course of treatment with the guidance of UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Pathways, powered by Elsevier ClinicalPath.

Pathways are tools used by our cancer care physicians to make the best cancer treatment recommendations for your type of cancer. They incorporate evidenced-based cancer treatment protocols that assure you'll receive the same high standards of cancer care, no matter where you're treated in our network.

UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Pathways are medical and radiation best practices that identify recommended treatments for common forms of cancer. Our physicians follow these cancer care guidelines because they are rooted in scientific evidence.

Pathways set better cancer care standards. Which lead to better cancer treatments. Which leads to the comfort of knowing that you are receiving the best care for your type of cancer. 

What is Pathways at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center?

Pathways is a suite of Web-based decision-support tools physicians can use to guide them in developing a treatment plan customized for each patient's particular type and stage of cancer. This helps guarantee the best therapies for specific situations.

Each Pathway combines innovative and promising clinical trial options with the best standard-of-care therapies.

Via Oncology's Disease Committees include physician experts from UPMC as well as leading cancer centers across the United States. These committees develop Pathways with as many unique situations as possible in mind, including:

  • Other conditions commonly found in people with cancer
  • Medication interactions
  • Drug availability

Ongoing review by the clinical team ensures that each Pathway remains the best and most effective treatment option available.

The team even takes into account life events. Just ask the bride who didn't want to lose her hair in the months before her wedding. There was a Pathway for her.

How Do Pathways Work?

Physicians enter personalized patient information, such as disease state and stage, into the Pathways program.

Based on those details and others unique to the patient's health, Pathways will present physicians with the most appropriate course of action for cancer treatment.

Advantages of Cancer Treatment Pathways at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center

  • Physician guidance for more than 90 percent of cancer types
  • Evidence-based recommendations developed by a team of expert oncologists from around the country
  • The latest and most cutting-edge cancer treatment options, reviewed quarterly and updated as new evidence arises
  • Individualized cancer treatment recommendations
  • Access to clinical trials
  • Freedom to choose cancer treatments outside the suggested pathways at any time for any reason
  • Treatment recommendations based on best outcomes (efficiency, side effects, value) 

About Via Oncology

Via Oncology is an affiliate of UPMC Hillman Cancer Center focused on the improvement of quality in cancer care through the implementation of the Via Pathways: clinical care algorithms for all aspects of cancer care. The Via Pathways are developed and maintained by physician experts from around the country and promote the use of evidence-based best care for patients.