Living and Coping with Cancer
Resources from the UPMC Health Library
Patient information sheets
- Being an Active Patient
- Body Image after Cancer Treatment
- Caregiver Tips
- Coping with Cancer Treatments
- Dealing with Emotions and Fears
- Family, Friends, and Relationships
- Finding Out That You Have Cancer
- Fitness: Choosing the Right Activity for You
- Life After Treatment
- Managing Stress
- Sleep: Home Treatment for Sleep Problems
- Sleep and Your Body Clock
- Sleeping Better
- Stress Management
- Breathing Exercises for Relaxation
- Doing Guided Imagery to Relax
- Doing Meditation
- Doing Progressive Muscle Relaxation
- Managing Your Time
- Practicing Yoga to Relax
- Support Groups and Social Support
- Adjusting Over Time
- Advanced Cancer: Finding Hope
- Cancer: Finding Your Strength
- Caregiving: Take Care of Yourself Too
- Dealing with Stress
- Finding Peace in Spirituality
- Help for Fatigue
- How It Affects Your Relationships
- How to Talk to Your Children
- Life After Treatment
- Sleeping Better
- Understanding Your Feelings
- When You First Find Out
- Your Support Network
Additional Web Resources
We have provided the following websites to assist you with:
- Your feelings and adjusting to cancer
- Coping as a patient, caregiver, and a parent
- Helping children and teens
- Support for young adults with cancer
- Self-image, sexuality, fertility
- Day to day life, working, and financial concerns
- Spirituality,
- Nearing the end of life
- Survivorship
American Society for Clinical Oncology
Stupid Cancer - For Teens & Young Adults with Cancer
Springboard Beyond Cancer* – Manage Cancer- Your Way
*'Springboard Beyond Cancer' is a mobile friendly online web tool designed to help people with all cancer diagnosis in treatment and post-treatment cope with the emotional challenges of cancer and manage side effects; developed by The American Cancer Society in collaboration with the Tobacco Control Research branch of the National Cancer Institute.
For assistance with these websites or guidance in finding additional resources and support, please call the Gumberg Family Resource Center at 412-623-4733.